FS. 95 jetta

95 Jetta

-250 clicks
-mantince amazing, oil changed on regular bases
-minumal rust
-cat back redone
-deck with 10" system
-5 speed
-new clutch
new summer and winter tires

asking for $2,500

pics pics pics.


i swear this topic saijd $2000 the other day

It was actually at $3000 but i lowered it becuase i need this car gone soon as possible and nothing under $2500 becuase of everything ti comes with i wish i could at least get my $3000 for it but what can i do.


cert, etested?

Yes it is e-tested and cert :D…Honestly my only issues to anyone who is going to buy this car is like another car. It has rust on the quarter pannels were the lip is. Hold on i will post those pictures too i dun wanna leave anything out.

went to see this car the other day, making a delivery lol and the car is in good shape for a jetta of that year with no body work done… that small rust section can easily be fixed during a weekend…

good luck brownie

4 banger?


please email pics