JVC 4x40 Deck with RCA preouts, with free honda wiring harness, plug & play $40
Rockford 400s 800 Peak 2 channel $150
2 10" MTX in BOX with BAJA 2 Channel AMP and ALL RCA/Power/Remote/Ground/Speaker Wires, sounded really good in my accord $150
12" Kicker L5 in Custom Kicker Box $150

Make Offers or Stuff Is Going on Ebay
what does the cd player look like? If its the one i think it is…ill take it for $30
could u add pics of any of this stuff
Here is the link to where the pics are hosted, most items are on page 2 and 3 if they aren’t there keep looking through the pages.
not the unit i was thinking of but ill take it,(dont need the honda harness) do u have a pic of the wires of the back? when/where u wanna meet?
I am in Rochester, do you want me to ship it?
heres a pic
aight, as long as i can hook it up to my blazer, it has the subwoofer outs right? what would the shipping be to 14223?
or if your gunna be in the area in the next week i could meet you, if not its cheaper to ship it then waste the gas, how do u want me to pay?
( actually i might be going right by rochester this week, PM me your address,and we’ll see what we can do)
($110 for kicker sub/box/headunit?)