fs b series 5spd transmission

not gonna argue about it, i think it’s easily understandable for you, if you had of called the guy first and begged to pick it up right then and there and then someone who you associate with persay "Juan " decided he wanted it more ,and said screw you and offered the guy more for it you would understand how it’s greediness. i knew what was up when i saw you edited your post to the ninja smiley… Shoe on other foot as it’s called where im from.im sure being that Juan thinks highly of you for some reason, that if you had of just said hey bud can you let me get that i really need it?, he would of because thats a respectful thing to do and the price could of stayed the same. it’s called respect, period. which on here i see lack of. but it’s all good, it’s over now im glad to hear you have a new trans, hopefully it works out great for you, now someone anyone need this man’s D SERIES TRANS