FS: Baby Blue Fender Stratocaster

I’m selling a '96 Fender Strat. It’s in okay shape. The body has a few dings in it and the bottom is a little scratched from being placed on the ground but the neck appears to be in great shape, no cracks. It looks like it needs a new pick guard if you care, strings, and most of the metal surfaces are are a little bit oxidized (nothing a little tin foil can’t solve. I’m willing to drop off anywhere in WNY for a delivery fee of $3 (gas) and redbull or Vitamin Water. PM me offers.


the serial number is mn6252448. enter it in at this link http://www.guitardaterproject.org/fender.aspx

how much?


nice SG :tup:



id kinda like this, but i REALLY don;t need another strat lol

Possibly interested. Pm me with an price.

The SG was made by GIBSON you loose n00b cannon.

Sell my axe and buy car parts.

$125 or best offer.

PM me your offers.

$100 or best offer!


is it mexican made? (too lazy to run the serial)

i like strats, i have a 67. i want a tele now though

yes it is. it’s from 96 or 97. the serial checker wasn’t sure.

uhhh, how long has it NOT had strings on it??? thats one of the worst thing u can do to a guitar is keep it without strings. yikes!! thats gonna take a little truss rod adjustment! PM sent w offer…

Thats yours? Hott.

I have an epi, its a turd.

Yeah, it was mine.

i think that they are :ehhh: at best.

Hmm… makes me wonder what my Japanese '86 is worth…