FS: Briggs and stratton generator

who cares how much he wants for it… if its too much for you, don’t buy it.

i hope you need something, anything some day, and someone rips you off for whatever it is.

i believe i was in and out of home depot yesterday in about 15 min, and thats with the time i took looking around the tool section.

it was far from hours

go back through dans threads asking for advice, or a free copy of licenced software.
uncool to try to then go and rip off the same people who have offered help to him in the past.

I highly doubt anyone on here NEEDs a generator.

and its not like a friend of his contacted him to buy his generator, he simply posted it for sale. If you don’t want it, don’t buy it… its simple. I don’t see how he is ripping anyone off, especially if noone buys it.

some people do brother, or they have family or friends who could definitely use one… especially a reasonably costing one. don’t be a dick.

Wow this thread is pointless…I heard FEMA is reimbursing the cost of generator so if who every buys this and he doesnt have a reciept then your shit out of luck…and he would profit double $699+tax and how every much someone buys it for!..and for anyone on his side you all need to seek some kind of “caring” class. hhahah

if they were readily available, then I would have no problems “accepting” what would be offered for delivery… maybe…
baked goods are the preferred method :slight_smile:

i left the hospital on sunday morning @ 4am figuring i could get one from the mall sears. (pregnant wife having contractions but not progeressing and pending release)

i stopped home and had power, so i never had to buy one. :slight_smile:

a potential sale price would have been entirely dependent on the buyer as well.

when i say i dont have a problem taking money, its more like i dont have a problem taking money from an idiot/ass hat. i would not accept profit from needy/greatfull folks.

True but don’t give people shit about calling him out on overcharging for it. People deserve to know its not a fair price. And don’t give me that shit about, its their fault if they don’t look into it. This is completely different that ripping pople off for sabres tickets.

got a link to more info on this? seems pretty generous for the gov’t.

lol, hes just mad because i called him out before for over charging people for some shit.


i still <3 you tommy


google searched

taht isn’t completely true, it has to be powering medical machinery for it to count.

thats lame, the FEMA money is supposed to be used to fix and prevent damage. i would think that keeping a basement/house dry would qualify.

SOLD. To me.

i agreee completely, the mold from the water is probably going to be as damagin as the water.

for $1500?
plus handling and delivery

i got a discount for handling. :wink:

Generators have become a commodity item around here.
Will the supply and demand get him a higher price?
It will be interesting to see what he actually gets for this thing.
If he actually drove to a wealthy nieghborhood that does not have power he could probably get a grand for it pretty easily.

On the other hand; Karma is a bitch.:slight_smile:

Edit: I was apparently too slow on my post.

damn old man
i can you clicking the link and then having a senior moment… for about 4 hours, and then clicking post.

FEMA will not reimburse for generators unless you have a medical need for one


Sorry, I take a little extra time to check for grammar and spelling.
You need to try it.