FS: Coach handbag/purse

seriously since when it is ok to come into a FS thread and tell everyone your asking “TOO MUCH” when in reality its not your place?

maybe i should have went into your shop and posted some flyers of online companies whos products were cheaper. same thing no?

so please tell me how its ok.

I think you blowing it way outta poportion. They are just telling you that you are asking 2 twice as much as its worth and that it wont sell at the price you are asking. Its not just your tread that gets shit on, hell everyones thread gets shit on at one point.

Im sure they would know as they do have the vaginas.

I came into this thread interested in the purse, saw the price you were asking and thought it was kind of ridiculous. I’ve bought coach merchandise before from past seasons that have almost always been 50-75% off. Then, like anyone interested in a product I did some research to what this purse was going for elsewhere like a normal person would do. I found it for 40 bucks and it also came with a change purse. Thought I would help you out and let you know that the price you are asking is kinda high and that there are people selling the same purse for $135 dollars less than what you are asking and you might want to lower your price for a quicker/better sell. Maybe if you said…you realize the price is a tad high and I am willing to work on the price this would be a completely different story. INSTEAD you berated a potential customer with vulgarity and acted like a dick. Next time don’t get so defensive and take the advice that multiple are telling you, showing you, etc.


yes but here is the thing, when someone posts OBO that implys… BEST OFFER!!! so far $75 is not the best offer, soo…

it doesnt invite a bunch of vags into my thread posting ebay links etc to other similar bags that are cheaper. fuck if thats the case no one will sell anything.

so once again what they did was uncalled for and i understand your going to stick up for your vag because if you dont your not getting laid but wtf here guys. shit aint right to do to someone

like i said its like posting flyers to online companies in someone elses store. its just not ok

omg if u found it for $40 then by all mean why the fuck would u be looking into my thread? either that or why would u just pm me? instead u did what u did and it just wasnt kosher.

maybe $175 is a little high, but start high and go lower, i did say OBO.

Private messages go a long way.

hey RITA

i was looking in the wantads and found a 2006 m3 for 30k

then i looked on ebay and found one for 20k

so should i call the guy up in the wantads and tell him that i found one for wayyyyyyy cheaper? maybe post it up so he doesnt sell his?

same thing. i am willing to go lower, but u just dont do what u did. and katie, im going to intoduce u to my choloform rag for this.

Sure, maybe he’ll work with you on the price or maybe JUST MAYBE he’ll freak out on you tell you he’s going to cut your balls off anddd then say MAYBE his price was just a TAD high. AND then say bartering in public for all to see is lyyyke SOOOOO ILLEGAl.

Hahah your fucking sick, I had my headphones on and only heard you say apples… The whole night I was thinking to myself, what was he talking about…

lol… I will be in CT and FL… good luck…

miss you buddy! :hug

Very nicely said… I also like vag… And apples… And want a z06 for 15k…


All I did was quote Arnold references.

Deadbeat you mean to tell me you have never chimed in someone elses FS post and said that they were asking too high on Shift?

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ibtl, most of this thread coulve been handled through pm’s instead of blowing up emans spot

eman, your price is too high. :rofl :rofl :rofl.