FS:COD World at War


um okay. for what system? that would help


idk its my buddys and i told him id post it on here

That was quick

edit: i see what you did there.

wat did he do there lol

^^ yah what did i do lol

Does his freeze at all during gameplay? My brother got one and it kept freezing at one point in campaign. They gave him a new copy and it did the same thing.

then it would be the system not the game.

madden 07 did the same thing. there is sometimes a bad “batch” when they first come out

my nhl 09 did that i got a new one and i still did it… but i just kept playing and it went away … :confused:

but on topic - i have the new COD and its worth 45 in my opion glws. some pick it up

no not that i know of but he says he hates the game and he wants to get ridof it asap

I’ll take it tomorrow sometime. I don’t get out of work until 5:30ish though…

does he want to trade? Mabey saints row 2?

maybe its just stupid EA games then lol, i need to get xbox back i shouldnt have sold mine :frowning:

I’ll take it