Price is $80obo
Items in Mississauga near Erinmills Town Center
This box is for a hatch and replaces your spare tire. The box volume is 2.3ft and is ported for deep crisp bass.
I used 6L of fiberglass resin and fiberglass mat and 3/4" MDF for the surface of the box. I also have a large gold plated connector thing on the enclosure for wiring the subs up. I’m not sure what its really called but its non-ghetto.
This box is perfect for the ultimate drive in experience or if your too cheap to get a motel room or find a large box just takes up too much room for a little “boom boom” I also have 2x audiobahn AW1051T woofers 350wRMS a piece that i can include for cheap. Ill also throw in the grills(not pictured) to protect the subs for free and the carpet.

bump. For quick sale new price $140 with the following
2x Audiobahn AW1051T 10" woofers rated at 350watts RMS a piece with the grills that protect the subs when being kneed on during sexual intercourse and carpet. These are some badass thumping subs 1400watts max/700rms combined. Ported is also the best sounding box design by far when done to spec of the subs.

would you be willing to sell the subs separately? if so i am interested.
There’s another member interested in the whole package that I’d rather wait for but pm me an offer you may get lucky
you sold the complete package…? i thought we had plans… 
that was a pretty nice set-up. just get some cages on those bitches and your rockin’. i got 2 8’s in a big ass box…can;t member the size. sounds amazing for 2 8’s. but don’;t wanna put holes to mount the box so it friggin flies everywhere when i kick it and so on and so forth.
i think i might do that. dude…you inspired me! thank ya
^^^^^ lol n/p
and sorry Dan the whole package was sold. I got nearly 1/2 a dozen calls this week of people arranging to try coming to see them. On this forum i will not hold an item with just verbal commitment because of the amount of members who fall threw. Once again sorry buddy.