Friend picked this up for me when he was in Bejing. Automatic- winds itself with your body movement. Never sized or worn, OK fake but not great. I’m never going to wear it, so I might as well sell.
Friend picked this up for me when he was in Bejing. Automatic- winds itself with your body movement. Never sized or worn, OK fake but not great. I’m never going to wear it, so I might as well sell.
DIBS. Will you ship? PMed
watch still for sale.
fake watches:banghead:
:gotme: I dont wear it, and I didnt buy it.
Some people dont care.
I still wear my fake rolex every day And after 3 years… it still works perfectly!
-1, it tells time, and unless you plan on having people inspect your wrist frequently who cares? :gotme: