fs/ft: 89si fully built b20vtec $2000.00 and its all cleared up!!!!!!

:jawdrop:thats a threat you’re banned :roll:

already happened even tho ive seen a few people say they will kick him and no one has been banned

94DC2 got permabanned a while back for threatening “somebody” through a PM lol

That kid was a fag…lol!!!..Going to threaten someone else once you get your new car so you can get a new name???

:shrug: just goes to show you how different the punishments can be for different people.

Wasn’t just for that.

Ugh, this thread sucks, closed

Last post :

If you kindly show those posts to me, I will ban them as well.

Perhaps they were overlooked, there are a shitload of posts a day ya know