FS: Gears of war 2

Fs Gears 2 brand new played for like a half hour. not my style. this also comes with the midnight release golden hammerburst and theme pack and 48 hr live card.
just asking what i payed $65.00 i had to wait like 2 hrs for the golden gun also.

also have pre order receipt and purchase receipt.


how the hell is gears of war not your style, PLEASE DIE

ughh sorry, can some one fix this please.

Gears of war I like, im not into GOW2. That comment was not necessary.

yo chris all you have 2 do is go 2 the first post click (edit) than (go advanced) and then put fs in your title

thanks man!

one thing i don’t like about them games you have to pay to play online

Mines about to go up for sale too since the multiplayer sux horribly now


Them as in FPS? Or them as in Xbox 360.

PS3 <3 free online.

Theres still no comparison between xbox live and Sony online.

xbox live is well worth the tiny price you pay or it.

yea it does, they should have left it alone.

Multiplayer hasn’t been horrible.

Horde mode is a lot of fun amongst friends.

I am with you on that. Horde saves multiplayer a little bit, but still doesn’t feel the same when you play against players.

ok 2 things, you couldnt of taken me seriously about dying, and please dont say GOW2 is worse than one, cause i have very high expectations of the 2nd one

High expectations? I just finished GOW2. Fun ass game but i expected more. Specially with the vehicle based missions. Havent played onlin eyet though

Decent game… not worth buying a 360 over :slight_smile:

Played for a couple hours at a friends house… totally worth LANing.

I will give you $40 lemme know