XBOX game decision

Hawx - anyone have it? Worth it? How’s multiplayer?

Gears 2 - I know many people have it, is the shooting kinda like the first gears?

I’ve played Gears II and it’s fun. I don’t own a game system though so occasional use is about the extent of my experience.

just wait for COD MW2

Played about 15 minutes of Gears II months ago and haven’t played since. Really into more tactical shooters like Rainbox Six Vegas 2.

Played Hawx about the same amount of time and it just felt like a poor ripoff of Ace Combat. I’ll probably give Hawx another shot though.

I’m getting that already.

Thanks for the input Jay… as I am playing Rainbow 6 vegas 2 right now lol.

What’s your XBL name

gears II is awesome, but the whole online multiplayer host advantage deal sucks. definitely worth getting tho.

edit: its just like gears one.

i hate you

gears 2 is NOT just like gears 1.

They fucking killed the shotty in the second one,
The game is lancer driven,
they changed the fire of the hammerburst,
shitty ink grenades,
people tag nades all over the place,
smoke knocks you over now,
active sniper is NOT a down ( i like this! )
wall bouncing sucks now,
the halo style match making is slow and shitty,
on more than one occasion that match making has set up the teams as 5 v 2… fuck that. i quit.
people bridge host all the fucking time…

horde mode is the only thing about gears 2 that doesn’t suck.
personally I wish they would have just released map packs for the first gears… yes it had some flaws (glitching etc) but nothing patches couldnt fix.

actually, the campaign is pretty good in the second one as well.
I just can’t get by how bad the multiplayer sucks now.

Tons of people still play gears one.

actually, I’ll sell you my copy of gears 2 if you want it haha…


Take advantage of the best buy sale:

^ good ass deal right there…

as a casual gears of war player, i’d say gears 2 is extremely similar to gears 1. if you’re a hardcore xbl user for gears like supraman, clearly there are distinctive differences. if you just wanna blow through campaign mode and do the occasional horde mode or something on live, i’d say gears 2 is a must have.

i haven’t played hawx yet, but i have every intention of picking it up eventually. there’s just too much coming out in the near future for me to justify budgeting it out right now.

if you are looking for some quick cheap fun, shadow complex on XBLA is phenomenal and costs 1200 of microsoft’s arbitrary currency points that i don’t understand. i don’t know how much real money that is. maybe 15 bucks? also, trials HD is the most addicting shit i’ve ever seen. if you liked excitebike in your younger days, or those trials motorcycle games from like and stuff like that, you’ll love trials HD.

That’s what I’m doing :slight_smile:

hopefully Gears 2 won’t kill your xbox. Killed mine and four other friends.

i was trying to keep my answer short and sweet, ha.

ill second trials HD, its kinda like excite bike and really fun.

I hear nothing but good things about the new Batman game,might want to look into that.

Im pretty sure not everyone on here has seen this vid of Forza 3!

Already preordered Forza + the extra’s pack.

I really hate trailers that do almost nothing to show gameplay.

Yay, you can do photo-realistic matrix like camera pans around a car. Lets see how the game looks sitting in the drivers seat with the car going 150mph around the track.