Fs. high flow factory flanged cat

For sale i have a brand new high flow cat with factory flanges for the 240sx

170$ bolts right up

brand / pic?

work with s14?

It’ll work with the S14… if you replace the resonator and put that CAT on. That’s the only place it’ll fit. But why would you do that? Then you would have 2 CAT’s on your car, LOL

it shouuld fit where the first cat goes ?

it’s a bit different on the S14’s… the cat on the S14 is right after the exhaust manifold and it’s welded to the downpipe… the 2nd “CAT” on an S14 is just a resonator (it’s hollow, but coated with platinum) and it sits right after the downpipe (i.e at the same place as the S13 CAT)

oh ok what a stupid design

but it will bolt up to the second part of the exhaust

cats are ok cuz i like pussies no dogs though.

It’s all about the bitches.

I’ll take it if it is 3"

… so is it?
