FS: ITR Tranny, peakboost turbo kit

posting this up for a friend. Either PM me or make a post here and I’ll get back to you real quick.

ITR Tranny (96 spec. 4.4FD) - $950.00 OBO
peakboost ftw turbo kit with 500miles on it, garrett t3/t4 turbo - $2500.00 OBO

Sounds like a good deal. What turbo is in the kit?

garett t3t4 60 trim

why doesnt matt finish this car? is he keeping the itr motor? or did it splode?

Doesn’t wanna. ;p


1800 for the kit. I don’t really need the manifold

I’ll post up as soon as he gets back to me.

He said deal. 1800 + no manifold? I’ll PM you his #.

Hmm. Post up pics if ya can Cliff.


Post some pics!!