fs: knock off Louis Vuitton backpack bag

brand new Louis Vuitton backpack bag. it is not real but a very good copy. i can’t see anything that makes it fake thats how good it is compared to authentic. its not made of crappy material. not my girlfriend style better used then collecting dust in her closet.

the bad
middle zipper inside the bag is stuck can be fixed easily by playing with it like what you do on your jacket zippers. nothing broken

asking 75 obro

pm or msn me at jon_john_9017@hotmail.com




hahaha… sickness… where’d you get it anyway? I got a few of those “replicas” too, same bag too…

my aunt got it for my gf when she went to the philippines. go to chinese area that sells replicas and they will charge 100+ for it and also say its real.

haha…! go flipland! that’s where mine came from too…

HAHAH Fraince