FS: laptop... dell insperon 7000

300 mhz p2 processor, 128 MB of memory i believe, dvd rom, yada yada yada

running windows XP pro right now, but if you want 98 or linux or something, I can hook you up with that. The screen is a little screwy… got cracked so the upper left corner looks like it’s got spots of black paint on it.

would be a good PC for data logging on. lmk


How much you want for this bad boy

i got 10 on it

Wait, it’s 300mhz with a DVD-Rom? Can you even play a DVD on a 300 MHZ machine?

Sure…But not with XP. It can be done with 2000. I had a 266mhz Thinkpad with DVD.

yeah, I was able to play DVD’s on it fine with 98se… in XP, long as it wasnt full screen, it played ok too