I am selling my DSLR as I am looking at some high high end Cannon products.
I am selling everything together, not parting out.
- D70 Camera Body
- 55-200 mm Lens
- 3 rechargable batteries + charger
- 2 Flash cards 2GB + 512MB
- Strap (not original, I baught this)
- Lowepro Camera bag (weatherproof)

Looking for $550 OBO for all.
Here are some shots I’ve shot with it since I baught it:

You couldn’t have picked a more terrible time, haha… I missed out on the last D70 that was going here…
Anyway, I’ve sent you a PM, let me know what you think.
I’ve got a pair of winter tires with about 7/32nd’s worth of tread, as well as a few other stuff to put over cash if you’re interested.
haha i was selling the d70s.
op is selling a good camera for the price, all you need is a 18-55mm and you are set.
^exactly i really recommend the 18-55 for portrait shots…
Right on…
Well either way, if this is still here after payday, you’ll get another PM from me 
I wish i could afford it, definetely a camera worth its money.