FS: pocketbike SOLD

you can delete this, i’m selling it to a coworker.

how tall is it? Looks bigger than a standard pocket bike, -maybe cuz it has no body???

funny angle i guess. it’s a standard pocket bike. 15 inches tall maybe. i can go measure it i guess.

isnt this the one that sold on here several times? once for 20 bucks if i recal?

my offer is 20 bucks…lol when is the pick up avalible

yes, i bought it for $20, not running. if you think i will sell it for $20, you are mistaken.

i bought it for 20 broken/not running. it runs and drives fine now. i bought a brand new pull start for it after fixing the existing one, which eventually was beyond repair.

just to let the lowballers know, i have an offer for $70, so please don’t bother with anything lower.

No padded seat for weight reduction purposes I suppose? Nice.

Make sure ya have a good place to ride, cops don’t like 'em.

the seat is the way i bought it. as far as cops, apparently you didn’t read my first post, it goes 28 mph!!! no need to worry about cops, you can just out run them!

here is another pic for size reference. i just took this thing on a 1 and 1/2 mile trip around town. i gave the motorcycle wave to 3 harley guys and they laughed their asses off and waved back, so you know you will get respect on this thing.

i also had a state trooper drive past me and laugh, without stopping to talk to me.


Can it do wheelies?

jay, this is what you should stick with. Maybe you will have better luck…



i want this gone this week, preferably by wednesday, so if you want to join the two wheel crew, this is your chance. :lol:

damn! id snag this bitch if it were a few weeks later! damn!

You know Im not trying to be a jerk, but every time this thing appears on here, it’s missing more and more parts, and i dount a pull starter set you back more then 30 bucks. It had full fairings at some point if not mistaken too. Good thing you got it running though.

the plastics are in the exact same condition in which i received them. and i know i’m probably not getting 100, i just had to start somewhere. thanks for your help, though. now gtfo.

just bumping this so a mod can lock/delete this. thanks.

wow so sensitive , relax kid

i am relaxed, i just didn’t need you shitting on my thread.:wave: