FS- Pocket bike- SOLD!


shit, might as well start riding this thing to work… mpg? lol

haha its a little tough to ride, im only 5’6" and i have trouble staying on it. i bought cuz my bike was down, haha bad impulse buy.

don’t sell this before wednesday. i was going to ride it the last time i was at your house, but you insisted on changing the sprocket while i was there and i had to go fix my hatch. this thing might just be too hilarious to pass up.

edit: the reason i specified wednesday is because that’s when we have our date :gay3:

lol i have to make sure i have my camera when this goes down, whats your exact height again? but seriously i need this thing gone!

anywher from 5’9" to 6’4", depending on which gas station i’m walking into. lol.
seriously, i’m 6’2"ish. i assure you, i will be wearing a helmet and jacket when this test ride takes place. don’t worry, i have a crisp $50 bill waiting for you. maybe i’ll just give this to my sister to shut her the hell up.

haha at least your smarter than i am, i didnt wear anything when i rode it, could have been deadly, this things got some power!

this thing was definitely moving before you even changed the sprocket, i’m looking forward to getting my hands on it.

WOW this was originally mine now it’s the third time being sold on here LOL
Was alot of fun and kinda regret selling it GLWS
Would definately buy it back in a second if I had money.

hmmm, need anything in trade? lol

if i didnt have to pay $900 in sales tax on friday id come get it tonight!!
dammit. if its still here next week ill take it

If the other fall through I’ll come today and get it.

pending sale to 92slowcivic.

sold to 92slowcivic, nonrunning for $20 haha, got down to his house and it wouldnt start first of all, assuming its a kill switch problem. then the pull cord snapped, oh well, hope he can do something with it.

i have no idea why i payed you money for that thing. i have no ambition to fix that thing and i DO NOT fit on it. i will have to take a look at it tomorrow, it seems like a simple fix if i get off my ass to do it. last i knew, it ran fine, hopefully i can restore it to it’s old glory. if anyone is interested, i will probably be selling this immediately following the holland tulip festival. hell, go there and find me riding it drunk and i may give it to you. lol.