FS: Porn


“i know all the techniques, the different orgasms, penetrations, masturbation…” what a nerd, and then jillie going “do you have a girlfriend” haha

I not even gonna ask, Event thought it does sound like somthin he’d say. anyway someone buy this, so I never have to see it again.

haha ian it was the guy at the porn shop, he was saying all this stupid shit and then my girlfriend asks him if he has a boyfriend

Oh boy ya got some compitition form the dirt at the porn shop, Ha Ha, funny stuff

haha oh yeah, this guy was the biggest nerd, greasy hair, dirty ass beard and a pimple face.

Sounds like a real winner.

haha oh yeah :cjerk:

great times. but seriously, does anyone want this?

yea 2 dollars hahahahaha

oh shut up asshat

Oh now that is hot. :lol:

$2.50 for You to mail it to:

Dorothy Johnson
617 Main St
Buffalo NY 14203

include the shipping cost with that. btw, who is this woman? is it the old woman down the street who kept everything you accidentally threw over her fence as a little kid?

ill give u 5$ for it on friday i have the best idea for this tape my aim is speedped79

SOLD!!! to the man with the weird fantasies

i have no intentions on watching this this will be getting mailed to a friend of mine

Buff Control Board

i know man, i’m just messing with ya. lol

you should’ve mailed it with no return address or a fake one to someone you hate where they’d receive it at work

oh i don’t know, i would’ve def used my imagination for this one


post a review about it when you watch it.