FS. Ported Sub box.

I have an audiobohn bandpass ported sub woofer box… holds 2 12inch subs… i dont have a cam… but this is wat it pretty much looks like http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.autoaccessorystore.com/products/1254_m.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.autoaccessorystore.com/home_n.asp%3Fdir%3Ddetail%26id%3D1254&h=100&w=138&sz=4&hl=en&start=58&um=1&usg=__CPNEQja6eJBGsRH4j7zMpxUGeA8=&tbnid=k_gggImWyCLzzM:&tbnh=67&tbnw=93&prev=/images%3Fq%3Daudiobahn%2Bbandpass%2Bported%2Bsub%2Bbox%26start%3D40%26ndsp%3D20%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN...sorry for the long url… but neways the bottom of the box has mirrored glass and it has the plexiglass front like in the pic… there also is a neon light inside. its purple and works but can be taken out to put in a differnt color… box is older idk how much its worth… im willing to take some reasonable offers… i just need cash…any more ?s feel free to ask thanks

new price $25 bucks dont wana see this thing nemore

need cash!!! bumb!! $60 bucks…

Ugh. If only it was a single 12 box.


LMFAO $60? are you crazy? bump for my old box

20 bucks

lol idk wat its worth i just threw a number out there and i need cash.

bumb! want it gone

new price $25 want it gone

bump4 pics. want it gone. or trade for a 12 sealed box that fits one sub.


what did you have this in, and what are the dimensions of it?

its 30 1/2 inches long 15in high and 15 wide…i think it was around sept. oct. when i got rid of my truck…