FS: Previous iPods (new) clearance priced

how is the battery life of the old 60 gig vs the new ones, im trying to decide between a new 30 gig and an old 60 gig

idk the new ones, but i knows mine would last me all day long at work(sometimes 8hours) straight of being on and playing, and changing songs and stuff.

it was pretty good, and it doesnt take long to charge.

—but now its connected to my cpuin my room and my car’s headunit when i drive, so it either charges while its at my house or in my car

according to the apple website the 30gb video has up to 14 hrs, the 60gb and the new 80gb video get up to 20 hrs. keep in mind that those hrs are for music playback only

If you plan on going to UBMicro today, I will not be there. I’m home sick today.
:frowning: You can go there and try to get them without a UB id and just say you heard that they are clearance and than anyone is eligible to buy them now.

You shouldn’t have a problem if you say that. If not, you can wait til tomorrow when I am back in.

Still have some left. PM or stop in if interested.

any feedback on battery life of current 60 gig vs new 30 gig?

any of the 1 gig nano’s left?

I think we just have white ones left.

can you put a 2 gig black nano aside for me?? ill be there tomorrow before 1

Can do. Ask for Joe.
I leave at 1:00 for a dr appointment though and will be gone for the rest of the day.

Still got some. A bunch of you have came in already :tup:

Come and get 'em

We are down to some 4GB Nano and one 60GB white left. If interested PM me asap.

And if you catch them in time, you will also have to buy them tomorrow since we can’t hold them.

PM me if interested.