I took this out personally from a r34 subframe… swapped rear covers, and ran it in my r32 for a couple months.
Locks great, the gearing is fast (don’t ask me what it is, i have no idea), and the axles are beefy as fuck.
If yallll need pictures, I’ll put em up tomorrow. It looks like an s13 diff. FOR REAL CHEAP.
230 bucks with axles picked up. Delivery available for 1,000,000 dollars.
Located in campbellville. Between Milton and Cambridge
I’m an idiot
THIS WILL BOLT DIRECTLY INTO YOUR S13. Change rear covers with your current diff and it will bolt into an s14
I believe I have the R34 subframe this came out of if anyone wants to pair em up - as well as a set of R34 5 bolt axles (spares in case your boss enough to snap them)
GLWS Mark.
lol if i was not broke id grab the subframe at least… ah well 
id love to come take a look at it
how much are you looking for the subframe and spare axles?
Just for the record… that subframe was smashed into a curb pretty hard… and if I remember correctly was bent. Hence why I told brenden to give it to you fo freeeeee.