FS:random turbo stuff and bmw e30 stuff

Uhh. thats a stock IC from a volvo? WTF


But hopefully it doesnt take 2+ weeks to ship from one end of NY to the other…


Got the Getrag off the e30?

UGH - FYI for anyone interested:

CLIFFS Sent this member paypal for turbo & manifold within a few hours of saying I would do so.
Member acknowledged.
Bout 1 1/2 months later I have two lame excuses & no parts.
Paypal has refunded me (wow, right?)
This member = asshat far as I am concerned.

From NYSpeed PM’s dated 5/1/06

yeah I take paypal.

Lemme get your address so I can send it out :smiley:

Matt[/quote]Copy & Paste of Email correspondence (actually this 1st message was sent to his email; AIM; PMs; and MySpace):

Nick Cook to burnout1085
More options May 17
Good morning,

This is NIKUK from the NYSPEED.com forums.

I sent You a paypal on 5/1, for the agreed amount of $70 with regards to a Ford Turbocoupe T3 turbo & manifold. You acknowledged receipt 5/2. However, I have yet to see any goods.

Please advise why the parts are not here. USPS does not take 12 mailing days to process a package from Ardsley, NY to Buffalo. Private carriers (UPS, Fedex, and the like) take even less time.

I look forward to having a response from You as soon as You recieve this message.

Burnout1085@aol.com to me
More options May 17[font=Arial]Hey,
Oh man…I’m terribly sorry for making you wait like this. the turbo/mani has been at my friends house. I havent been around the past few weeks. My friend was “supposed”
to do me a favor and send it out and apparently it hasnt. It will be sent out ASAP. I apologize for the inconvinence.

Matt stein

Nick Cook to Burnout1085
More options May 17Alrighty,

Just wanted to make sure You didnt skip town :slight_smile:

Let me know when it does go out, or even shoot me a tracking number if You can. Id appreciate it,


Via PM here recently (6/3/06 @ 3:21 pm):


Nothing back. Got a paypal email early today stating My loot has been refunded.
and heard nothing from member of course, although: Last Activity: 06-03-2006 05:12 PM Offline


booooo :tdown:

atleast you got your cash back.

:tup: if u still get the parts