ONIJDM.com in partnership with JDMSPEEDSHOP.com is bringing in a container load of hard to find unique JDM parts from Japan. The parts will be ready for pickup at our shop in the next couple of weeks… For a detailled list of the parts; check out the link below…
Most of the parts are Skyline or Nissan specific…
Volk Wheels, Nur Spec RB26! and more… :A
anything for s chassis cars?
Tons of stuff… Recaro seats; rims; brake upgrades… check out the link… all on the way to my shop…
Any aero? specificaly a 1998 180SX K ouki Type X bumper with seprate lip OEM…no cracks ? been trying to find one for year and a bit…cant buy it now even if you had one but maybe next time if its around