FS: sabres tix 10/27 vs ottawa sens row 5

exactly, it shouldnt be YOUR problem, he sold you the tickets, he should pay you back and then take it up with the guy he got them from to get his own money back after the fact

I was extremely pissed when I got to the game, since I didn’t bring friends but my brother, my dad and my girlfriend. My dad almost got arrested he was so pissed that they just yanked the tickets from me and were about to just ask us to leave. He wanted the tickets for evidence in court that we had them, and almost killed the girl behind the counter.

I am extremely surprised I stayed calm and collected. I didn’t know what happened, so why overreact? I explained the situation while my brother and girlfriend tried to calm my dad down. They ended up selling me almost identical tickets on the shoot side twice, 5th row from the ice, as Joe sold to me!

I don’t want this to go on too far, as I will take him to small claims court, and with the amount of evidence I have against him, I will surely win. I do not want that to happen AT ALL. He seemed willing to give me my money back, but the excuses of unemployment don’t fly with me. There is always a way to get $250 instantly if you own a credit card.

The court will not care where he got the tickets either. I have informed the Sabres of the craigslist seller as he probably called to have them cancelled on Joe. I am helping Joe out by keeping the Sabres involved, so that the rest of his tickets aren’t also void…

He better return the favor by getting my money ASAP.

man i would have lost my damn mind.

im happy i got my in for sabres tickets and i dont need to deal with grimmy shit like this

wow, shitty man :tdown: I would of been PISSED

OK, now I’m kinda pissed.

“I don’t have cash cause I paid a credit card…” he says?

Then what the hell is this $250 offer only 2 days ago “cash” for a car? Post #8

i think the only way your going to get anywhere is small claims court

he’s good at digging a hole lol

the sigg says it all!

Go to his house.

edit: not to threaten, cause that will hurt your case if you go to small claims.

If I go to his house, I will bring witnesses. I have a paper trail a mile long, so it would just be to discuss. I do not threaten, except for with legal action.

With him saying “I paid a credit card” but only two days ago saying “250 cash” to buy a car, the judge will not be very happy about that.

I hope this is a HUGE misuderstanding and that I am getting upset for nothing. I will wait until sometime today to hear from him, and then will just go directly to legal action.

I know his address and phone number, his last name and his parents names (white pages are great). I even know his house number now, so I can call his parents if I wish as well. Of course, I will record the call to cover myself again, but I hope I won’t have to make any phone calls or visit his house.

I just hope he calls and says “I took the 250 off in a cash advance from the card i paid, to get you your cash back. Sorry… here you go.”

Tomorrow, I will file a claim to small claims court and that would be a very nice thing for him to find out. When someone tells me “immediately” I’m pretty sure I know what that means.

I am also working with the Buffalo Sabres to track down what happened. If Joe bought a whole pack of tickets and mine showed up as stolen, I am guessing all of them were reported by the craigslist seller. I am telling the Sabres all of the information that I know to actually HELP Joe. He needs to contact the Sabres as well, but hasn’t gotten back to me for him to tell him!

As pissed as I am, I just want my $250. I also want to help Joe in any way I can.

ok first off im 18 not 22.the offer for 250 was for a friend that needs a cheap car n i told him i would help him out.i bought the tickets on craigslist a month or so ago on craigslist.im not trying to fuck u over.i told u i will pay u back.idk how fast it will be but i will.idc what anybody on here thinks of the situation i kno my side n thats all that matters.sorry for sounding like a dick but its kind of embarrassing that i sold u bump tickets.its kind of shity that u come on here n make me sound like a fucking tool.i had no intention of even selling the tickets until 5 days b4 the game.if i ddint sell them i was going to go.nothing was intentional.i dont have a job and $250 isnt easy to come by.my parents dont help me out with shit i pay for everything my self and always have.its my problem and i told u i will try n handle it as soon as i can.if i had no intention of paying u back i wouldnt of texted u back or called u back or even came on here.i kno ur pissed and so am i.just as much as u.but being mad isnt gunna speed up or make anything easier.

hold on let me go get a bag



ok i got a refill of water and some popcorn… lets go

grow up.its cool this is funny for u considering im goin to court for some stupid fuck on craigslist.u guys r mature!

You need to pursue the people that that sold you the tickets. Baldy is a reasonable guy. Call who he is suggesting and get it sorted out.

dude he came on here cool giving you the benifit of the doubt and trying to help you out anyway he can so slow your roll be happy hes working with you at all, and pick your battles we didnt fuck up/get fucked over…you did

pretty much. Shit rolls downhill. It’s up to you to get shit sorted out on your end, it’s not baldys problem that you don’t have 250 laying around.

Why not ask someone in your family for a loan? I’m sure they would if that meant NOT paying lawyer fees along with the judgement.

He’s taking this a lot calmer than some people would.

let me get this straight he had to get the tickets at the box office when he showed up?