FS: Sunroof

SPEC TEMP Tempered glass, tinted sunroof. Roughly 18" x 39"
Made by SFC. Typical 2 front hinges to pivot, and a rear latch that locks in place. Not a cheap one with small latch. Double armed latch.
Used for about 5 months in my friends fathers pickup truck.
Includes both the outter glass assembly and inner rim.
Seal doesn’t leak on glass what so ever.

Sell for $120+ on the site for this size and type

Make an offer.

40 bucks and ill deliver it.

25 bucks

Sold per call

Tommy still want the sunroof? I can drop it off today.


LoL, 20. Compromise. It’s dirt cheap for it anyways.

its not going to be able to be installed again without it leaking. 15.

nah i don’t know when i am going to have the time to meet up again

the roof will not leak if prop installed i use to install them all day long just use some primer on the bare metal when u cut your hole cuz they rust like hell

they have a much higher tendancy to leak once theyre installed removed and reinstalled.

  1. Its worth over 120 bucks and if you know how to seal you wont have an issue. It’s in good shape and not a piece of shit, this is a steal as is. But having to drive around to drop shit off, it takes a toll on the tank, I need 20.

You drive a beemer and cant cough up 20? :smiley:

i drive an fbod

LoL, didnt you use to drive the beemer? Whatever. 20 bucks is 20 bucks. Or howzabout a 30 pack of Coors? :smiley: