SPEC TEMP Tempered glass, tinted sunroof. Roughly 18" x 39"
Made by SFC. Typical 2 front hinges to pivot, and a rear latch that locks in place. Not a cheap one with small latch. Double armed latch.
Used for about 5 months in my friends fathers pickup truck.
Includes both the outter glass assembly and inner rim.
Seal doesn’t leak on glass what so ever.
Sell for $120+ on the site for this size and type
Make an offer.
40 bucks and ill deliver it.
Tommy still want the sunroof? I can drop it off today.
LoL, 20. Compromise. It’s dirt cheap for it anyways.
its not going to be able to be installed again without it leaking. 15.
nah i don’t know when i am going to have the time to meet up again
the roof will not leak if prop installed i use to install them all day long just use some primer on the bare metal when u cut your hole cuz they rust like hell
they have a much higher tendancy to leak once theyre installed removed and reinstalled.
You drive a beemer and cant cough up 20?
LoL, didnt you use to drive the beemer? Whatever. 20 bucks is 20 bucks. Or howzabout a 30 pack of Coors?