S13 Sunroof

Hey guys,

I know alot of people have issues with exterior seal around the sunroof on the S13’s. They seem to be a hard item to come by, atleast in good shape. I own a hatch myself, and I’ve been trying to find a used sunroof with a good seal on it for a while. Does anyone know how much Nissan would sell the seal for? Or IF they even sell it?

Haha, I’m looking for one too! I’ll subscribe to this and hopefully someone knows.

Ask “87s15lt1” he got them priced a couple months ago, i know they were not cheap though. good luck

When I bought my car, I was wondering too, I went to the dealership and asked they told me $70. heh. maybe you guys can get it cheaper.

$70 is expensive for what you’re buying. But I guess it all depends on how badly you need to replace yours. If that is what Nissan is selling them for I would pay that. Anymore and I would keep looking for used ones.

the dealer does not sell the seals separate any more.

i priced one out…and they told me it comes with glass both seals, latches, hinges, cover, bag. everything for around 1000.

have fun with that. i’m just gonna adjust mine till it stops making noise.

if all else fails. i will buy the money pit part

why dont just go buy another seal from homehardware and put it on? it wont be a direct fit but its also a 16+ year old car.

Wow, 1000 really? They told me 70 for just the seal. but that was 4 months ago. Maybe things changed, or they lie to you.

remove the latch from the roof (centre) remove screws, space latch away from roof with a couple washers in each location.


also take an air gun to the 4 drain tubes.

I never had a problem with my hatch sunroofs, and I always took mine off

I doubt any dealer would lie to a buyer. Yet, maybe the douche behind the counter was having a bad day and just wanted to make excessive cash lol.

I will double check when the time comes.

Yes like S13GG said…that’s exactly what im a gonna doooo.

ya, s13gg’s way seems like a more logical approach anyways. Total cost 4 cents lol

remove the latch from the roof (centre) remove screws, space latch away from roof with a couple washers in each location.

i heard that this is a good fix but eventually the screws slips out of the thread i dont know if im right or wrong maybe others can add with experience

So get longer screws with the same thred pattern. There shouldn’t be any issues, unless you screw it up, putting it in.