The majority of dealership hookups are for employees. I get a discount at Nissan through my work but I’m not gonna abuse that by buying 4 windshield weather stripping sets.
Hopefully someone on here works in a higher seniority position at Nissan and can hook people up.
My S14 has the same problem and I suggest going with an aftermarket molding. The glass shop that I’ve been dealing with told me the factory window trim for an S14 (not sure about an S13) comes in three pieces and is prone dislodging itself. He suggests using a 1 piece aftermarket alternative, its a fraction of the cost and has a good chance of staying in for a while.
For all those guys with windshields that have chips in them, don’t both changing your molding before you need to replace the glass. The shop will never be able to take it out in one piece. The labor and molding cost 60% of the job anyhow, so it wouldn’t be worth it.
If your looking for a recommendation, I suggest William at Apple Auto Glass in Richmond Hill (416-297-9955). He had a fair price and hes a no bullshit kind of guy. I’m doing my rear windshield with him this Friday.
So I ended up getting the molding with Varun’s help. Turns out that the previous owner of the car replaced the windshield, but did a HORRIBLE job and some of the residue/molding could not be removed without damaging the paint. As a result, I had to go with an aftermarket molding (which was not all that much cheaper).
I now have a stock S14 windshield molding for sale. I will sell it for the price I paid for it so as not to make a profit, but simply to recoup my losses.
PM me if you are interested in purchasing this molding.