FS: T28 Turbo

Came off of a 96 SR20. Turbo is in excellent condition with zero shaft play however it will require an actuator for the wastegate. You can get an HKS adjustable actuator for 100 or close off the internal wastegate and go with and external setup which would be a lot better.

Asking 275obo

pm me if you’re interested, thanks.


Turbo is in Calgary and would be a nice mild upgrade for you redtop guys.

Price drop $150obo.

Two of the studs on the exhuast housing needs to be drilled out. They broke when I took off the the exhaust elbow.

Included with this sale is an oem exhaust gasket, $30 at Nissan.

Pm me if you’re interested.

this is an s14 t28 correct

This turbo came off of an S14 sr20det with vtt. Turbo has 85xxxkms on it.





Whoever buys this turbo…dont install it without replacing those bolts…the gasket is a crushed seal so if you bolt it up and it has to come apart again…thats another 25-30 bucks…1 bolt missing should be ok…but 2 right beside eachother IMO will “over spool” the turbo or cause a boost leak i guess you could say…my gasket had a huge leak there for a while and i was reading 13-15psi when it was only set at 7psi

A leak there would only result in an exhast leak. That is after the turbo on the exhast side so it wouldnt really hurt anything but your eardrums.

my exhaust came loose from the turbo…and it gave a weird boost leak like i said my boost gauge would read about 13-15 psi but i wasnt going any faster then at 7psi…got the gasket replaced and tightend it up and it read a steady 7psi again


Must be something that only happend to you, I ran my car for a day without exhaust, just straight off turbo and never had problems.