whoever bought it… when would they get the title?

when i come home this weekend? does it matter to you, are you a possible buyer? no, so get out

I would buy this but I have no way to get it back to rochester…

actually, i have the money, and i did want to buy it, and i also have a trailor to get it home, but im not giving someone money with me not getting anything in return, and since your being a dick seller i would rather see you fail at school


i got a trailor and a truck 50 bux done

read your pm



Thanks dick. :tdown:

i told you…first person who gives me the cash gets it :tup:

dont worry…ian will make up for it when you gay i mean guys work together


I would have had the money tomorrow.

well i’m sorry lol

come up to my apt this weekend and we’ll have some beers :tup: