FS: Tons of Computer Stuff w/pics

AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Newcastle
8x DVD/32xCD burner combo drive
450W PSU w/dual fans
MSI K8TNeo2 (Via K8t800 chipset) MB

2 Gigs of DDR400(PC3200) CORSAIR XMS (Twinx2048-3200c2pt)
Cas Latency 2
Timing 2-3-3-6
Voltage 2.75V

ATI Radeon 9600XT (128-bit) 256MB

Comes with a large case with 3 fans

Other possible add ons:
17 inch CRT Flat screen dell monitor
200GB IDE HDD w/legal copy of XP Pro installed and CD for it
Old Keyboard but works fine
Old school ball mouse but works perfect

this set up still plays all the new games just fine, although not always on maxed settings like it used to

also for sale

17 inch CRT dell monitor
15 inch CRT Flat screen dell monitor

Dell Dimension 4500S w/ 120GB western digital IDE, 768mb RAM, P4 1.8GHz + fresh install of XP Pro(also with legal copy of XP Pro CD)

PC shell:
300W PSU
Case w/ 1 extra fan
GeForce MX440 64mb AGP graphics card
ethernet card
socket 754 Gigabyte GA-7ZX Motherboard
(awhile back i tried to swap processors from the 1.6 AMD thunderbird in there to a 1.8 AMD XP both socket 754, that failed and i could no longer boot it with the 1.6 in there now, the 1.8 went back into its old set up fine)

everything is OBO


$400 for everything listed(w/ add ons), the RAM alone still sells for 200 off newegg

Thats the first good deal on a computer I have ran into on here :tup:

now 350 OBO

what would you sell it for without the following (if you even want to):

monitor, video card, HDD, mouse, dvd drive. (so pretty much just the mobo, case, processor and power supply)?

I already have too many spare parts laying around

with 2 gigs of ram, 220
without ram 120

p.s. i love this case served me well for 2 computer set ups and like 5 years, sorry about the ricer stickers lol, they could come off





Dell Dimension 4500S

How much?

for just the tower(w/ 120gb hdd and the extra 512 of ram), $80 obo