FS: Track day, $50!!!!!


fuck I have to wake up in 4 hours

lol @ you two tards

yea…even if i wanted to go…i doubt i would have woken up


hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, oh no he is gonna cry.

^^ shut up and do work

:lol: at your new custom title…poor Skunky

LOL @ title bahahaha

AHH WTF@!!#!@#

:lol: :lol: :lol:

“I couldn’t get up even if I tried”

“I got too drunk last night”

Waaaahhh waaahhh waaaaaahhh

pussy :slight_smile:

oh shut it

Haha at skunk :lol:

poor skunky lol

whomever couldnt take the day off and pay a measely $170 for 7 hours of tracktime really missed out

it was a GREAT time, and more seattime than I could have possibly imaginied

great! that really makes me feel even better about not being able to go…(still quite pissed off at work about this)

Poor Skunk, you should have the badging stripped from your car. :slight_smile:

haha, sorry man

only 20 cars ended up showing. there were times when practically noone was on the track. 7 hours for 20 cars? pleenttyy of time

skunk, i will be confiscating your m3 now



Yeah, there was so much track time that 1/2 the time the track was empty because people’s cars just couldn’t take it. :lol:

If you had a really prepped car, and could take it, I bet you could have stayed out there from 10am to 5pm.