simply reading everything that was bolded and in caps would have done even better :gotme:
LOL at sean.
ill offer you 10 bucks, my belly button lint, and a used rubber for the stafford jersey. oh, and will you deliver it by foot to grand island please?
this is a damn good deal for jerseys that you DONT have to pay tax on, you DONT have to pay shipping on, and you DONT have to take to a sporting goods store to get numbered and lettered… oh, and by the way, they are 20 bucks cheaper than you can get them anywhere else… seems like a good deal to me :gotme:
they are heat pressed which is how they are now applying on all of the jerseys from ccm/reebok according to the reebok rep that i spoke to. are you interested in one?
no not really interested i have my two jerseys, that’s going to be the norm though? lame, stitched is the way to go. if i knew the reebok jerseys were heat pressed i wouldn’t have bought my stafford jersey from there, it just kinda looks cheap. luckily i know a guy who will stitch over it for 20 bones though so it’s still a good deal.
usually they are heat pressed on first and then zig zag stitched after that. when i buy jerseys they come in blank and i have to install an authorized player kit. unless your a large retailer like dicks that has them all done up for them. the process is still the same, just done by machines for the larger scale.