FS: Z32 Turbo Rear Hubs/Bearing

As stated above, they have about 10x xxx Km on them and can be used to convert to 5 lugs on S13/14.

$200 OBO for the pair

Will have pics later.

hey do you know if you can use z32 rotors and s13 calipers?

i’m pretty sure you use S14 rear rotors

good price btw.

lol i ment to pm him… but s14 rotors and s13 calipers still ?

I always thought only z32 NA hubs rear worked on s13… not turbo?

The topic states that they can be used to convert to 5 lug, they can be made to work with beefier driveshafts. Buyers should search the topic if they are interested.

these still for sale?
if so was wondering if u’d go 150 for them?