Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

not at all. you can walk right in with it.

at least they tell ya what your getting

who said that? there used to be signs and shit

i buy the whole damn theater a JUMBO popcorn…makin it rain like Irene in this bitch!

It’s a fairly recent change, but my cheap ass walks in with food and drinks in my hands. I’ve set my outside beverages down on their little stand to get my tickets from my pocket. :rofl

I usually just bring spaghetti.

The ol’ hole in the bottom of the spaghetti plate trick eh?

lol, didnt no that, people used to put there shit in bags/pocketbooks and wait till they got into the theatre to take em out lol.

PJB and i went to see March of the penguins, they wouldnt let us take in our jewish crackers bc we werent jewish… ohhhh well, sigh

They suck without the cheese anyways.

Im gonna make it RAHNNNNNNN up in this bitch!

That’s not Mickey Mouse, that’s TIT DIRT.

what is this TIT DIRT you speak of? I have never once met a chick that had dirt on her tits…if you have, so help you!


Part @ :18

lol ic

SSSSSMokin’ voted most informed on the interwebz.


Wish I could rep Murrdog for every post he made in this thread.


:rofl :rofl

^I see what you did there.

Could Vlad or somebody with more motivation then me please make a sticky for the proper use of the words there, their, they’re, since, sense

also this thread just made my day.