this is a feeler thread…but i have a pending sale on my SS and i’m looking for a swapped EF hatch or EK hatch for a daily…no boosted cars please, post up what you have or know of. I’m looking for something in the 5-6k range…thanks!
want my eg? pmd
ill sell you the boosted teg
[quote=JDMjunkie;967431] boosted cars please [quote]
lol np
this thread might be dead considering no one wants to buy my cobalt :angryhump:
i still have my ef… needs some work like new gas tank and a few lil things
Your the crazy kid who though a Tacoma wanted to race on the 290 eh? Actually I just wanted to get in my fucking lane! Not even at half throttle, I’m trying to get into my lane and you have already speed up from 20 cars back, all I can hear is your engine totally maxed out. DUDE! I guess these ss cars are not that fast, considering my truck was on cruise control and I was accelerating with the steering wheel button.
This kinda shit gets people hurt! Keep it on the strip! Next time I see you speeding up im moving over so you can test the breaking on it.
ok buddy…first of all i was in 5th gear the entire time and i sped up because my friend IKSHO89 said “oh hey look i think that’s nelstoys, he has a tacoma with pin-striping”
my engine wasn’t “maxxed out”, nice try though.
Dude my stock tacoma would totaly take your car. We have to settle this at the track. Then my nova, my camaro and my challenger want some.
OMG you can challenge a 14 second car with a bad clutch, congrats. dude, your posts are worthless, the only thing they are good for is bumping my thread.
yes…a bad clutch…and yes i know how to drive.
GTFO…you are worthless
Well when dady buys you a car I guess beating the shit outa it dont matter.
LOL…okay think that all you want, i actually work for my car and pay for it myself. thank you for making that assumption though, listen get your old ass out of thread and STFU.
Dam kids, totally oblivious to the danger they are when they drive like asses on a local road! And I’m sick off all these little 4 bangers trying to race me and shit. Every time I drive my nova someone wants to race! Come on I’m out for a cruise not out to race every dam 4 or 6 banger. Keep it on the track! My rant is because you idiots crashing and getting tickets for " street racing" is running it for the guys who have really nice cars with lets say loud exhaust or a lowerd stance, we get harassed for your stupidity.