Fuck the ex?


Nah, I’m not that much of an asshole, not while I am sober/hung over anyways… I don’t normally share this shit but if you want the story…

We were at this dudes party from work and got completely annihilated… She kept going out with some dude for a smoke which was fine by my because I don’t smoke… Well anyways the dude I work with over heard her talking about how she wanted to fuck this guy… He didn’t say anything to me until I was bitching about her the one day at work and pulled me aside and told me. I asked her about and she said that she didn’t remember doing saying that but that it was possible. So I can only imagine how she acts at parties without me… Getting tested for STD’s FTW

So yeah it’s not THAT bad… It just sucks because I don’t think I can ever go to any more of his parties, and they are pretty bomb… Plus if I see that dude I will rock him.


bah… good man. tho, NOW what are we going to do to get through a slow friday?

can you get a Sammy HLT6189S yet?