fucked up dream last night

started off with PJB telling me i had 2 days to live then he was going to kill me. so i got mad shook, called Adam and we went and talked to my father. pops told me to carry around a huge knife and he would follow me with his .45cal. the plan was to sneak up on jellies, stab him in the kidneys and my dad would blow his head off. well, the plan didnt go so well.

me and adam were walking around some huge grocery store looking for butters. finally we found him, i confronted him and stumbled to get out my shank. he looks at me with a huge piece of cake in hand and lol’s. he then throws the cake down to the ground and tells me that his knife was in the cake. i smush the cake up and find this tiny ass knife. then he reaches up above the shelf containing all the frozen goods and pulls out this HUGE fucking rambo looking knife. FUCK!!!

so then he starts chasing me and adam around this huge store. we get away because he is a neanderthal and cant keep up. we go into the warehouse and there is a fire station back there oddly enough. weird i know. my dad is no where to be found and jellies is about to find us and kill me. so i page my dad over the loud speaker and…

someone texts me and i wake up. :wtf


why did ya leave out the part where adam is screamin lie a little bitch about the whole thing , or about why butters was gonna kill ya " prolly smashed a matchbox "

Hollyyy Shit Emuscles. I got a real good belly laugh out of that. Please post more stories!

to be honest i have no idea where ti came from. but the dream b4 that me and adam were driving/walking around DT albany looking for bitches and all the sudden jellies tells me he is going to stab me!??!?!??!?!

Haha I could see pjb going apeshit and wilding out on some mofos for sure!

dude i say that all the time ,esp at edgefest near the pit ,i thought jellies was gonna wreck someone

jellies is doin werk at the gym these days

Oh yeah. He’s SRS

is he ?


jellies isnt gym strong, hes retard strong!!! ARGH!!!

So youre dreaming about me now? Thats a bit creepy.

yes jellies, i think i love u


Ill be sure not to turn around with my back to you at the gym from now on

mad pokes in the butt dood!

no, ill pass on that. I plan on keeping my anal virginity

:rofl crazy dream for sure. i have the most random weird ass dreams, but none of pjb yet.

Cool story. Ill post this here. Its way cooler.


PJB>entire forum

:rofl Thats awesome man!! Ive had some wierrddd ass dreams lately, but I cant remember alot of em. I just wake up alot shook and like “well that was wierd” :lol