Fucking Animals.....Kill Em All

-A girls taped stoning because she fell in love with a boy of a different religion.


I have no words to express how fucking stupid that is.

I can’t imagine killing a daughter as an “honor Killing” in the name of something that does not exist. (allah) In this case…I hope all those fuckers go to hell and find no vigins but ass-plugging machines with sand paper dildos

They are sooo lame.

Stoning is soooo 1100s :pssssssh:

Get with the times!

Horrible…You can’t help who you fall in love with! Much less what their religion is

Religion at it’s finest :tdown:


Religion at it’s finest :tdown:




Some use it for good guidance, others use it as excuses to be okay with murder.

all I can see is a green screen, but it has more to with “Local Custom” than Religion from what the reporter was saying.

Wow, I seen like Two Very Large square bricks right next to her “Obviously thrown at her”. That had to do major damage!

Thats just screwed up

The link doesn’t point to anything in particular, although one of the headlines is about the 19 year old dad that microwaved his baby. :slight_smile: The world is fucked. :tup: