Fucking Scumbag


Jesus, hope that guy gets raped everyday in jail.

did she hit him first though, says she did? ima play devils advocate and say hood rat got hood rocked.

“I would never intend to physically hurt a woman,” he said in a statement through his lawyer, Thomas Kenniff.

“If there is anything I could do to strengthen her recovery, I would do it.”

yet you put her in a coma?

Doesn’t matter. Dude is a dirty thug and should be exterminated.

Probably black


A church going man? MY ASS!

This dude belongs in a cage like her uncle said. Lock this SOB up NOW! Even if she did hit him, he’s way bigger than she is obviously. Just take it man. No need to pummel the girl. I doubt she did. A girl that small probably was scared to death of him just yelling.

Thats uncalled for not matter if she hit him first or not


agreeded kill that piece of shit

I doubt this…

I’m going with shes your typical hood rat bitch who thinks its fine to have an attitude and get in everybodys face about everything. Until she gets fucking ROCKED and then its oh poor me.

FUCK THAT. Kill them both and solve the fucking problem. WIN/WIN.

Perhaps. But its besides the point.

The only time you should attempt lethal force on a women is if she has a gun or knife or something. And even then, I’d go to disable not murder her. She’s a woman. Who’s 4’11" and 100lbs.

while beating up on children-sized people is fun… I don’t think it’s justified in this situation

I highly doubt his intention was to fucking kill the bitch. Lets be realistic. She shot her mouth off, hit someone and then got fucking jacked up. Now everyones on this dudes nuts for defending himself. If i’m wrong and she didn’t hit him then fuck his shit in the ass.

Until that comes out:
He didn’t fucking beat her mercilessly, he hit her fucking ONCE. Not like he stood over her and pummeled her until she started twitching. Reality check. DONT FUCKING HIT PEOPLE UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED FOR WHAT HAPPENS.

Talk about knocking the life right outta ya!

If he shoved her once or maybe even hit her once because she hit him but to hit her twice is down right wrong

Once is defense. Twice is assault.

That’s the way I look at this situation.

You think one good hit to a girl who’s 4’11" wouldn’t make her stumble back and reconsider her decision?

or just dont hit her at all… I doubt her punches are very effective with her marshmallow sized hands

Or that, yes. But if you must hit her, I can understand once (defense). Anything more than that is assault/intentional.