Fuel Injected Car Show in Saratoga Sunday.

I guess there is a big car show set for this Sunday at the Saratoga Auto Musuem for Sunday. Its starts at 9:00 AM and goes to 4:00 PM.

It looks like its specific to 96 and up Domestic Fuel Injected cars. Ford, Dodge and GM.

According to the website the show was setup by RLMS

Sounds like a good turnout expected. Cool to see the musuem working with local places. They usually have a great setup up there for shows.

hmm, i’ll prolly drop by…

once again working…ill be about a mile away tho

Might swing up

Was good to see you and the vette up there Joey,car looks awsome with the black wheels(dont know if they were black i was on 32 minutes of sleep).:thumbup

sounds like fun, pending my work schedule, id like to make it…

im lazy, has anyone looked up entry fees and such? Maybe ill clean up the Z and put it in the show.

Dude, this was last weekend(yesterday)

ahhh my bad shouldve looked at the date, hence the RLMS car show thread :lol thanks joey