Fuel return line?...ugh, what?

A friend of mine from work is building his DSM. He is telling me his progress and then says he got a new fuel return line in this kit he bought. I asked him what he was talking about after he explained to me its purpose.

Im almost positive my hondas (94civic, 95integra, 00s2000) do not have fuel return lines…or atleast i have never see it off the fuel rail.

He then said 95% of all cars have them so my hondas should…
:uhh:did i forget to connect something?

some insight plz


lol = no in sight

lol = hurts :frowning:


EDIT: go look at your fuel rail

the fuel return line comes out of the bottom of the fuel pressure regulator.

some newer cars have returnless fuel systems. (i believe it’s for emissions purposes because it generates less vapor).

EDIT: here



hahaha thats right
i remember now
vac line up top
3/8 line on bottom
time to go crawl into a hole and die

if you dont know something this basic perhaps you shouldnt be working on cars?

not trying to be a dick, just saying

i know^
maybe too much turkey from thursday…yea thats it


Hey guys my friend said that he added piston squirters to his car, but my wipers seem to work alright with the normal squirters, though. Should i upgrade to the piston style???



you don’t need to upgrade just add some blinker fluid to it