fun at flashlights

had a great time at the flashlights getting my ass handed to me by kurt…first time he launched hard and i spun the whole time…then he gained like 3 to 4 cars on me…tranny sliped very little…
2nd run…he lowered his boost to 21…and i spun a little…was like 2 to 3 cars behind…got it on tape…but tranny slipped into 3rd…but i was fun…kurt and his frined where very cool and very friendly…wish i could have raced kurts frined…but i blew my header gasket and i called it a nite…and the gf wasnt feeling soo good…soo she wanted to go too

also meet whitey real quick…totally nice…and nice car too…much better than the pink one…hooked me up with a pittspeed t-shirt soo now i dont feel left out!!!

eric and lt1 power where there along with his frined…they where totally cool too…

alll said and done i had blast…hope to meet more ppl next time from pittspeed


we all know the LT1ost anyway :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

ya ya…kurt siad i was the fastes lt1 he has run though

was there an black older vw gti out there?

that isnt saying much :mullet: :eek:

ya i think soo?!?!?!?!?!

i kow ur prob. joking around not really though…but hey…its all i could afford at the time i was still in high school…i like my car

Yeah, tonights events went pretty well, jim was nailing his launches finally and was hitting his 1-2 shifts pretty good also. kurt fucked with his clutch before the event and was nailing every 1-2 shift he had, both cars were running pretty good. although the black lincoln >*

its cool man, its all a joke. LT1 is still better then alot of other rides.

ya…on the second run…he grabed 2nd hard…i had the launch…but when he hit 2nd…he passed me…i stayed a far 2-3 cars behind him on the 2nd race

u should have seen the runs him and jim had later that night

i konw u where joking…like most ppl on here do but others take it to far and take it for real…no harm done…i know ls1 is better but its what i got…soo im going to make it decent…im just looking to get 11’s out of it

is jim the one with the black 1st gen??? if soo he wanted to race me b/c kurt siad me and him would be good…i was like idk…but header gasket blew out in one spot…and gf wasnt feeling soo good…sooo i had to leave…i really wanted to race him…maybe next time

yeah that was jim, i think kurt was shooting flames from his 1-2 shift on one of his runs, not sure what that was.

cool cool…soo am i…between my heads and headers…stupid gasket…i have tow brand new ones sittin in the back seat…

did eric beat the 442? when I called him he said he was goin to race it next and he said it did mid 11’s

pretty sure i overheard something about that was the only car that beat him all night

anyone see that grand national run? i nearly shit my pants.

i think Eric lost to the grey mustang fox body GT

It was a good time…there was alot of people ther and alot of fast cars