Fun Shit

you need quicktime, its 20mb, if you dont like me youll enjoy watching me fall and hurt my asshole.

quickly people!

download before its put in the media section!

lol too late

Dude u bailed huge on that rail :stuck_out_tongue: good try though, I had a really rough experance with a rail about that size and difficulty, Lets just say, brused everything in and on my gut, and couldnt walk or eat for like a week. rails creep me out

haha i know
it was when i went to moonstone with jesse
was like its the last run of the day lets just try to clear the box

clearly i didnt clear it. and i lost my balance from the second i jumped off the jump. I suck at snowboarding! :stuck_out_tongue:

its funnier cause i saw it first hand and filmed it

its also funnier cause i did the gap to slide and he didnt
