Funny shit for oil companies

im telling you man! its the truth!

(but in all seriousness, anyone that even tries to deny the economic/environmental benefits of biodiesel should be shot for being so dumb that their existance does not warrant the air they consume. Instead of sending those MASSIVE FUCKING ASSLOADS of cash to all of those TERRORIST INFESTED COUNTRIES in the middle east, and instead give that money to American farmers and the american people in the form of cheaper fuel that is FAR better for the environment.

:rofl: awesome

i had an extra shot of “espresso” tonight.

if we go ahead with mikes plan, the US will start to smell like french fries and chicken feed.

right on :tounge:

i was watching a thing on discovery about that, other than the cetane rating being lower (there are additives to fix that) you can run biodiesel in any diesel vehicle the only thing needing to be modified is rubber fuel lines need to be replaced with synthetic ones. people can make that shit in their basement for 55c a gallon

like I said, its a no brainer. in 10 years we could be completly free from our dependence on foreign oil. probably less than that if we fasttracked it.

America’s oil imports total 1.4 trillion dollars. $1,476,000,000,000

imagine if the majority of that got pumped back into the American economy. Farmers could actually farm things that are needed instead of growing shit that just gets thrown away and rely on subsidies to get by. It would be far cheaper for oil companies to produce, so they could still make a ton of money even if they sold the stuff for a buck a gallon. Smog would be GREATLY reduced in major US cities. And people could still use regular gas in their cars if they wish. If we just converted all commercial trucks to biodiesel it would be a HUGE dent.

On another board I read a guy has his cost down to ~30 cents a gallon. He has a farm and produces 400 gallons at a time. It’s pretty damn cool.

It would be kickass to make your own fuel.

stop talking and do it pussy.

Did anyone watch or read about these hearings? My boss said the chairman of the congressional board (from Alaska) said that he was sure the CEO’s were capable of telling the truth without being under oath. So he let them make their testimonies without having to take an oath.
i dont know a whole lot about the judiciary system, but that sounds like some bullshit to me.

Also only allowed five minutes of questioning. Meanwhile they made big tobacco take an oath and it was unlimited grilling.

it is easier to go to the gas pump and get gas, i’m lazy like that. If someone invents a machine that I add a few ingredients, flip a switch, and biodiesel comes out 2 minutes later I will get it. Until then, I will pay for gas the old fashioned way.