Futurama transport tubes, here we come!




Let’s build this from NY to DC instead of the stupid high speed rail.

4000 MPH is moving out pretty good. I would think it would be difficult to maintain such a long tube to the accuracy needed for such a speed. rapid transport sounds sweet though.

i’d like to visit dubai someday

“which accelerates up to 4,000 mph in roughly 3 minutes”

OK, someone calculate the g force.

I’m just worried about the change falling out of my pocket

Point it upwards above 40000 feet and you can shoot shit into space lol. Honestly im not sure what to make of this. Cool concept but it will be built by the lowest bidder. Also do you really want one of these built in nys by our awesome unionized work force? Just saying. And by “evacuated tube” do they mean vacuum? If so one small crack could lead to the capsule becoming a pretty toasty place to be. But let’s face it. If they built it id get shot across the world in it.

I assume they do mean vacuum. My fear was the capsule leaking and you would get a load full of people that had no air to breath. On a different note it would make for a epic collision at 4K mph

Assuming constant acceleration, 1.012g

Show your work. I’ve never quite had to calculate something like this so im curious. With the “special kid” formula I came up with I got a bit over 4g’s

a 4G acceleration for 3 min would make for a much more interesting story

I’m not sure the best way to show dimensional analysis/units but it’s all there:

[4000 miles/hr] * [5280 ft/mile] * [1hr/60mins] * [1 min/60 sec] = A * [180 seconds]
5866.67 [ft/sec] = A * [180 seconds]
A = (5866.67 /180) [ft/sec]*[1/sec]
A = 32.5926 [ft/sec^2]

g= 32.2 [ft/sec^2]

A/g = 1.012

---------- Post added at 11:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------

15807.27 mph

Thank you sir. No idea how I got what I got lol. My formula wasn’t even close to that. I guess thats what I get for trying to do shit like this in my head.

You are welcome! It’s nice to be able to use physics in ‘real world’ applications instead of just homework. I’m in Phyiscs 2 now which is rotational motion/inertia and it’s turning out to be a real pain in the dick.

hahahah ive been out of school for a year and my dick hole still hurts


physics 2 is cake.

why i cant grasp calc 2 is beyond me. fml.

this tube thing is pretty cool. i see it happening in china, but not here.

I’ve wondered why this hasnt been done for so long… seems simple enough to process and create… but is it cost efficient. And can it be secured from threats?

What, you mean some terrorist opening the tube with 4000 mph capsules inside could be bad?

I think it’s more of a time function. I’m also taking Heat transfer and multivariable and being a designer on the FSAE team.

Sure its simple! And it can easily be secured as long as it isn’t built in the us. When was the last time you have heard of a terrorist attack in China? But seriously I doubt that anything like this will ever be built here. It has the potential to be a really cheap mode of transportation and I just don’t see it happening.