F4 phantom jet doing 500mph into a 'safety wall'

like that dump truck… only this is a jet… and its going way faster…

the only pieces that DONT turn into dust are the tips of the wings that dont hit the wall and just fly past the sides


hopefully that link works

omg… can’t wait to get home and see this


oh yeah… it was a test for these walls to simulate a jet flying into the walls of a nuclear power plant…

new walls = pwn for terrorists

edit: i wished they showed the wall after the dust cleared… i wonder if it still has a nice shiney finish on it…

^ that’s would be excellent for the “new WTC”…and I doubt the walls were nice and shiney afterwards.

heh… they should have added that clip into the pentagon conspiracy theory video that was going around a while ago :lol:

“there was no parts of the plane anywhere on the lawn” :mamoru:

wasnt the passenger plane flying at about half the speed tho?

thats pretty sweet, but realisticly a loaded 757 weighs quite a bit more than an f4, would the wall still be strong enough?

:lol: Youre sitting in your office, doing some work on the computer in your outter office the 240th floor… you hear a slight thump, what sounded like your red swingline just fell on the carpeted floor… as youre looking for it on the floor you hear on the radio that a plane just crashed into your building directly on the other side of your office wall…

good question… mechanical engineers?

The force is also spread out more… the f4 would be more like a piercing bullet I’d think… rather than a bitch slap of doom…

^ YESSSS!! That would be awesome!

I get what you mean. the momentum would be roughly the same (hell, probably quite weaker with the jumbojet, with it being slower) and with the plane more spread out, the wall would withstand the impact, but I don’t think the plane would disintegrate like the F4 did. I’m not an engineer, but 4 years ago, I took physics in high school and aced it; and I stayed at a holiday inn express last night

come to find out… your stapler isnt even in your office… fucking lumberg stole the damn thing…


fucking awesome. no matter how many times I see that it’s just so bad-ass. it’s a later-model F-4, you can see the m61 20mm six-barrel cannon mount just under the nose.

in the one shot you can see how strong that wall is - the aircraft just disappears and nothing comes out the other side. damn.

next thing I know, my office will be in the basement, so I’ll just have to hope that the rest of the building doesn’t crush me. :slight_smile:


Airliners can still cruise around 450mph and they weigh a hell of a lot more than an f4. Would the added mass of the impact just blow the wall to hell? or would the wall be able to absorb the force because more of the wall would be absorbing the impact?

cruise? yeah, that’s about 450mph, but the terrorists will crash the thing ASAP so there’s more fuel in the jet on impact, so I doubt they would be that fast that soon. (I’m not saying it’s not possible, just improbable)

As for the wall: I would think that if they were going to use this type of wall to protect against 747’s crashing into them, they would build it in sections that are about the same size as the wall in the vid (or maybe even smaller). It’s harder to break smaller pieces with the same amount of force.

poor test dummy must have gotten obliterated