New Wallpaper

most people opt for paint over wallpaper in their homes… but this might be more desireable. I wonder how much they have to anchor it…?

That’s pretty bad ass. Good idea.

yeah thats crazy

Looks like that wallpaper is fixed atop and bottom of the floor/ceiling areas. So, what happens when you just put the wallpaper in the normal mode, just on the walls? Would it protect it the same way?

Stuff looks pretty sweet. and very plyable. it takes the point of impact and instead of it absorbing the blow in one particular area, it spreads the force out to the whole structure.
This is very similar to the DOD level blast systems I developed at Pittsburgh Corning. this goes in conjunction with the Ballistic ratings as well. If you would be interested in seeing some of the blast tests we performed, they are up on the Pittsburgh corning website. Pretty neat stuff and pretty amazing how much flex there really is when a blast like this occures. If any one wants the links let me know.

^ I remember someone presenting a paper about something similar to this at the Shock & Vibration Symposium a few years ago. Do you still do work in that area?

No… I switched companie and moved to NC… But I sat in many council meetings with the A.C.E. and the D.O.D. as well as some of the Shock and Vibration stuff. as this is the only way to test with out spending $500k with an actual blast test. The shock tube stuff is still super expensive Some where around the $50k mark per panel.

thats pretty sweet stuff!

That’s cool.

I was watching a show a week ago here were they were trying to bomb proof a house using Rhino bed liner. They sprayed a 1/2 thick coating on either side of the wall and set a car bomb off in front of the house. Same concept, the insides of the bricks were shattered, but the inside of the building was almost undisturbed and you definitely would have survived and been able to walk out of the building… This seems much more practical

what happens when there is weight on the wall. like from the roof and 2nd floor? i bet it still would crumble.


FWIW, their video lacks credibility for me. The material is stretched like a trampoline between the top and bottom anchors of course its going to stop the brick from falling in. Its a cool idea, they just need to build a better test setup that shows a more practical/realistic application of the material.

I am curious how much it would need to be anchored… but it’s kevlar… have you ever see a slow motion bulletproof vest getting shot? it trampolines and of course stops a bullet from point blank range.