Fuzzy this ones for you!

190+mph BOXY HOTTNESS!!! :tup:

sweet jesus… that is one fast boxy volvo… and they tested it on a foggy highway too!

Thats just tooo funny.

wow thats crazy

I couldn’t even begin to imagine how much aerodynamic stress there is on that car at that speed. o_o

geez thats pretty crazy

Damn fast wagon, but what’s the proof besides a r1 speedometer.

<—I had the same exact bike, and with some different sprockets, it was optomistic by 17%. even stock it was +8% off.

lolz doomwagon’s older brother


So the wagon goes 170+ and not 190. :squint: Its stil damn fast.

I love it!

Shit he may have been doing 190, just a pretty innacurate test for such a project…

wow retadedcrazy shit pretty sick sleeper tho

fuuuuuu-uuuuck me running…thats pure craziness! i watched the other video of the car, with the walkaround…awesome sleeper!

sweet wagon.

Surprised it didnt catch air & go for a long flight. Had to be a lot of lift @ that speed.

thats a great road for top speed runs

route 283 between the hershey/etown exit and harrisburg international airport

the person that owns volvette’s name is doug. he has been swapping volvos for years now

wow thats nuts

Jesus that was insane. That is an ultimate sleeper for sure. Nothing like a grocery getter wagon to put some pretty much any other car that screws with him to shame.

Props to the rider for risking his life.